13 Aug, 2024

What is Synthetic Fabric? 5 Differences Between Natural and Synthetic Fibers


What is Synthetic Fabric? 5 Differences Between Natural and Synthetic Fibers

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Have you ever wondered what your clothes are really made of? Synthetic fabrics have become a major part of our everyday wardrobes, but what exactly are they? In this article, we'll explore synthetic fabrics in detail and compare them with natural fibers. Let’s learn more!

Read more: “What is Natural Fabric? 5 Most Common Natural Fiber Types and Textiles

What is synthetic fabric?

Ever wondered what synthetic fabrics really are? They're textiles made from human-created fibers, typically using petroleum-based chemicals. Unlike natural fibers like cotton or wool, synthetic fibers are engineered in labs to have specific properties. The process starts with raw materials like petroleum, which are transformed into polymers—long chains of molecules. These polymers are then spun into fibers using various methods, depending on the qualities we want in the final fabric.

Some common synthetic fabrics include:

  • Polyester: Durable, wrinkle-resistant, and quick-drying. It's everywhere, from clothes to furniture.

  • Nylon: Strong and elastic, great for activewear and outdoor gear.

  • Acrylic: Mimics wool's warmth and softness, often used in sweaters and blankets.

  • Spandex: Super stretchy, perfect for sportswear and swimsuits.

These fabrics have revolutionized the textile industry, offering solutions that natural fibers can't always provide. They're in our everyday clothes and specialized products alike. However, there's a downside - synthetic fabrics can be harsh on the environment, especially when it comes to disposal and microplastic pollution. As we continue to use these materials, finding ways to make them more sustainable is a key challenge for the industry.

Characteristics of synthetic fabrics

Synthetic fabrics possess several distinct characteristics that contribute to their widespread popularity in a variety of applications. These characteristics are the result of meticulous engineering and chemical processes that tailor the fibers to meet specific needs. Here’s a detailed look at the key attributes of synthetic fabrics:

1. Strength

One of the most notable characteristics of synthetic fabrics is their strength. Unlike natural fibers, which can vary in strength depending on their source, synthetic fibers are engineered to be consistently strong. This high strength translates into fabrics that can withstand significant stress and strain without breaking, making them ideal for applications that demand durability, such as activewear, outdoor gear, and industrial textiles.

2. Durability

Synthetic fabrics are renowned for their durability. They resist wear and tear much better than many natural fibers, which tend to degrade over time. This durability makes synthetic fabrics particularly suitable for high-stress environments where longevity is crucial. For instance, nylon is often used in products like parachutes, ropes, and high-performance sports equipment because of its exceptional durability.

3. Wrinkle resistance

Another advantageous property of synthetic fabrics is their wrinkle resistance. Unlike natural fibers like cotton or linen, which can wrinkle easily and require frequent ironing, synthetic fabrics are designed to maintain a smooth, neat appearance. This wrinkle resistance is particularly beneficial for clothing and home textiles, offering a polished look with minimal maintenance.

4. Weather resistance

Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to damage from environmental factors such as mold, mildew, and moisture. This weather resistance makes them ideal for outdoor applications where exposure to the elements is a concern. For example, polyester is commonly used in outdoor furniture, awnings, and tents due to its ability to withstand moisture and resist mildew growth.

5. Colorfastness

Synthetic fabrics are known for their excellent colorfastness, meaning they retain their color well even after repeated washing and exposure to sunlight. This is a significant advantage over natural fibers, which can fade over time. The vibrant and long-lasting colors of synthetic fabrics make them a popular choice for fashion and home décor items that require consistent aesthetic appeal.

6. Easy maintenance

One of the most consumer-friendly characteristics of synthetic fabrics is their ease of maintenance. These fabrics are often machine washable and dry quickly, reducing the time and effort needed for care. Additionally, many synthetic fabrics are resistant to shrinking and stretching, maintaining their shape and size after washing. This easy maintenance makes synthetic fabrics a convenient option for busy individuals who prefer low-maintenance clothing and textiles.


Natural vs. synthetic fibers

Both types of fibers have unique attributes, advantages, and disadvantages that influence their applications and sustainability. We’ve created a table for you below to understand it better.



Natural Fibers

Synthetic Fibers


Plants or animals

Petroleum-based chemicals


Variable, generally lower



Prone to wear and tear


Wrinkle Resistance

Low, wrinkles easily

High, resists wrinkles

Moisture Absorption

High, breathable

Low, less breathable

Environmental Impact

Renewable, biodegradable

Non-renewable, not biodegradable


High, soft and breathable

Lower, less breathable


Higher, especially for premium fibers

Lower, more cost-effective


Natural fibers

Natural fibers are derived from renewable sources such as plants and animals, making them an integral part of the textile industry for centuries. Common natural fibers include cotton, wool, silk, and linen. These fibers are celebrated for their comfort, breathability, and biodegradability, offering unique benefits that synthetic fibers sometimes struggle to match.


Natural fibers offer several advantages that make them an appealing choice for both sustainability and comfort. They’re sourced from renewable materials like cotton plants, sheep wool, silkworms, and flax plants, meaning they can be replenished regularly, supporting sustainable agriculture. A major environmental perk is their biodegradability; unlike synthetic fibers that can take centuries to decompose, natural fibers break down quickly, leaving no harmful residues. Beyond their environmental benefits, natural fibers are also incredibly comfortable and breathable, allowing air to circulate and helping to regulate body temperature, making them perfect for various climates. Plus, many natural fibers like cotton and silk are hypoallergenic, making them a great option for people with sensitive skin or allergies.


Natural fibers, while comfortable and eco-friendly, do come with some drawbacks. They generally aren’t as durable as synthetic fibers, meaning they’re more susceptible to wear and tear, which can lead to shorter product lifespans. Additionally, natural fibers often come with a higher price tag due to the labor-intensive farming and harvesting processes involved, and their cost can fluctuate depending on agricultural conditions. When it comes to maintenance, natural fibers usually require more care—think regular ironing for cotton and linen or special cleaning for wool and silk to prevent damage. There’s also the environmental impact to consider; for example, cotton farming can be water-intensive and often relies on pesticides and fertilizers, which can harm ecosystems. However, ongoing efforts to grow organic cotton and adopt sustainable farming practices are helping to address these concerns.

Synthetic fibers

Synthetic fibers are engineered from chemical compounds primarily derived from petroleum-based resources. These fibers are designed to meet specific needs and performance criteria, making them highly versatile and widely used across various industries. Polyester, nylon, and spandex are common synthetic fibers, each offering distinct advantages tailored to particular applications.


Synthetic fibers have a lot going for them, especially when it comes to durability. They’re built to last, resisting wear and tear much better than natural fibers, which makes them perfect for things like activewear, outdoor gear, and industrial materials that need to hold up over time. Another great perk is their resistance to wrinkles and shrinking, so clothes and textiles made from synthetic fibers are super low-maintenance—they keep their shape and look good even after tons of washes. Plus, synthetic fibers are usually more cost-effective to produce, which means lower prices for consumers. What’s really cool is that these fibers can be engineered during production to have specific properties like stretch, water resistance, and even flame retardancy, allowing for all sorts of innovative uses in both fashion and technical textiles.


Synthetic fibers come with some pretty significant downsides. First off, they rely on non-renewable resources, mainly petroleum-based compounds, which raises big questions about their long-term sustainability and environmental impact. Unlike natural fibers, synthetic ones don’t break down easily—they can stick around in landfills for hundreds of years, contributing to pollution. They’re also less breathable, which can make them uncomfortable to wear in warm or humid weather, trapping heat and moisture against your skin. Plus, the production of synthetic fibers uses a lot of energy and releases pollutants, and when these textiles are thrown away, they can cause environmental issues like microplastic pollution in our oceans. While there are ongoing efforts to recycle synthetic fibers and make their production more sustainable, these challenges are still a big concern.

The classification of synthetic fibers

Synthetic fibers can be classified into several types based on their chemical structure and properties:

1. Polyamide

Polyamide fibers, such as nylon, polester, elastane, are known for their strength, elasticity, and resistance to abrasion. They are commonly used in hosiery, swimwear, and activewear.

2. Poly-Vinyl

Poly-vinyl fibers such as acrylic and modacrylic, are used for their water-resistant properties. They are often found in raincoats, shower curtains, and upholstery.

3. Chlorofibre

Chlorofibre fibers are made from polyvinyl chloride and are resistant to chemicals and weathering. They are used in industrial applications and protective clothing.

4. Fluorofibre

Fluorofibre fibers, such as Teflon, are resistant to heat and chemicals. They are used in high-performance applications like aerospace and protective gear.

5. Aramid

Aramid fibers, including Kevlar and Nomex, are known for their exceptional strength and heat resistance. They are used in bulletproof vests, firefighting gear, and aerospace components.

How are synthetic fibers made?

The production of synthetic fibers involves several steps, starting with the extraction of raw materials from petroleum. These materials are then processed into monomers and polymerized into long chains of polymers. The polymers are spun into fibers through various methods, such as melt spinning, wet spinning, or dry spinning. Finally, the fibers are treated and finished to achieve the desired properties.

5 most common synthetic fibers

The five most common synthetic fibers are:

1. Polyester
Widely used in clothing, home furnishings, and industrial applications, polyester is known for its durability, wrinkle resistance, and quick-drying properties.

2. Nylon
Often used in activewear, hosiery, and outdoor gear, nylon is strong, elastic, and resistant to abrasion, making it a popular choice for many textiles.

3. Acrylic
Commonly used as a wool substitute in sweaters, blankets, and upholstery, acrylic fibers are lightweight, warm, and resistant to moths and sunlight.

4. Spandex (Lycra or Elastane)
Known for its exceptional elasticity, spandex is commonly found in athletic wear, swimwear, and underwear, where stretch and flexibility are essential.

5. Rayon (Viscose)
Although technically semi-synthetic, rayon is made from regenerated cellulose and is used in a variety of clothing and home textiles. It’s valued for its softness and drapability, often mimicking the feel of natural fibers like silk or cotton.

Are recycled synthetic fibers really sustainable?

Recycled synthetic fibers, like those made from recycled polyester (rPET) or nylon, are definitely a step up in sustainability compared to their virgin versions, but they come with their own set of challenges. On the bright side, recycling these fibers helps cut down on waste by repurposing things like plastic bottles and old textiles that might otherwise end up in landfills or floating around in our oceans. The process also uses less energy and water than creating new synthetic fibers from scratch, plus it lowers the demand for fossil fuels.

But let’s be real—recycled synthetic fibers aren’t perfect. They still shed microplastics when washed, which can end up polluting our waterways. And even though recycling gives plastic a longer life, these fibers still don’t break down naturally, meaning they stick around in the environment for a really long time. So, while recycled synthetics are definitely better than the alternative, they’re not entirely guilt-free, and we’ve still got work to do to make them truly eco-friendly.

How to dye synthetic fabric?

Dyeing synthetic fabric requires specific dyes and techniques due to their chemical composition. Disperse dyes are commonly used for synthetic fibers. The process involves:

1. Preparation
Clean the fabric to remove any finishes or impurities.

2. Dye Bath
Prepare a dye bath with water and disperse dye, following the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Heat
Different fabrics require different levels of heat for dyeing. For instance, when you’re dyeing nylon, you’ll need to heat the dye bath to around 140-194°F. But if you’re working with polyester fabrics, you’ll need to crank up the heat to somewhere between 248-284°F.

4. Immersion
Submerge the fabric in the dye bath, stirring continuously to ensure even dyeing.

5. Rinse and Dry
Rinse the fabric thoroughly to remove excess dye and allow it to dry.

Brief History of Synthetic Fabrics

The history of synthetic fabrics dates back to the early 20th century, marked by groundbreaking innovations:

1935: Invention of Nylon

Wallace Carothers and his team at DuPont invented nylon, the first fully synthetic fiber. Known for its strength and elasticity, nylon quickly found applications in products ranging from women's stockings to military gear during World War II.

1940s: Commercial Production of Polyester

The 1940s saw the commercial production of polyester, another milestone in synthetic fabrics. Polyester's durability, wrinkle resistance, and low maintenance made it a popular choice for clothing and home textiles.

1950s: Introduction of Acrylic and Spandex Fibers

The 1950s introduced acrylic and spandex fibers. Acrylic mimicked the properties of wool, providing warmth and softness, while spandex revolutionized the fashion industry with its exceptional stretch and recovery, becoming essential in sportswear and form-fitting clothing.

1960s: Development of High-Performance Fibers

The 1960s brought the development of high-performance fibers like Kevlar and Nomex. Kevlar, known for its incredible strength, is used in bulletproof vests and industrial applications. Nomex offers excellent heat resistance, making it ideal for protective clothing for firefighters and industrial workers.

Recent Developments: Innovations in Sustainability

Recent years have seen significant advancements in sustainable synthetic fibers, including the use of recycled materials and the development of bio-based fibers. These innovations aim to reduce the environmental impact of synthetic fabric production and disposal, promoting a more sustainable textile industry.


1. What are 5 synthetic fibers?

Polyester, nylon, acrylic, spandex, and rayon.

2. What is the most popular synthetic material?

Polyester, due to its durability and versatility.

3. How can you tell if a material is synthetic?

Synthetic materials are usually smoother, less breathable, and have a uniform appearance compared to natural fibers.

4. Is denim natural or synthetic?

Traditional denim is made from cotton, a natural fiber, but can be blended with synthetic fibers for added stretch.

5. Is polyester synthetic?

Yes, polyester is a synthetic fiber made from petroleum-based chemicals.

6. What is the best dye for synthetic fabric?

Synthetic fibers require different dyes depending on the type of fabric. Disperse dyes are mainly used for polyester, but they are not necessarily the best choice for all synthetic fibers.

For specific synthetic fibers:

  • Polyester: Disperse dye is the go-to choice, often used in high-temperature dye baths.
  • Nylon: Acid dyes are commonly used for nylon, as they bond well with the amine groups in the fiber.
  • Acrylic: Basic dyes (also known as cationic dyes) are typically used for dyeing acrylic fibers, as they provide good color fastness and bright hues.

7. What are the 4 synthetic dyes? 

The four main types of synthetic dyes are:

  1. Disperse Dyes: Primarily used for dyeing synthetic fibers like polyester, acetate, and nylon. These dyes are water-insoluble and are finely dispersed in the dye bath, where they attach to the fibers through heat.

  2. Acid Dyes: Water-soluble dyes that are typically used on synthetic fibers like nylon and some types of acrylics. They are also used for dyeing natural fibers like wool and silk.

  3. Basic (Cationic) Dyes: These dyes carry a positive charge and are mainly used for dyeing acrylic fibers, as well as other synthetic fibers that have anionic (negative) groups.

  4. Reactive Dyes: While commonly used for natural fibers like cotton, reactive dyes can also be used on certain synthetic fibers like nylon. They form a covalent bond with the fiber, making the dye very wash-fast and durable.


8. Is synthetic fabric good?

Synthetic fabrics offer durability, wrinkle resistance, and cost-effectiveness but have environmental drawbacks.

9. Which is better cotton or synthetic?

It depends on the application. Cotton is more comfortable and eco-friendly, while synthetic fibers offer durability and performance benefits.

10. What are the disadvantages of synthetic fabric?

Non-biodegradable, less breathable, and potential environmental impact from production and disposal.